Tuesday, April 19, 2011


In the commentary, "To Abort or to Not Abort That is the Question?" I completely agree with the blogger’s explanation concerning the new abortion bill that is currently in the process of being passed.  In her blog she clearly has a good understanding towards the bill and makes great points. I believe her idea of the mother and father both having to be present for the sonogram is a great idea. Many people don’t consider the father in decisions like these since they’re not the ones carrying the baby. However, a father should have just as much guilt and/or sympathy towards the baby both he and the mother have conceived.

I agree on her opinion that, “abortion is not a delete button.” Many people seem to take abortion lightly as if it were a form of contraception, but its not! It has actually been proven that babies may feel pain as soon as they begin to grow in the fetus. So not only would be killing a poor baby, you would also be putting the child through pain.

I believe the blogger did a great job in her form of structure and her method of persuasion towards the public. She really makes you think about ideas that have not been spoken about in public very much. 

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