Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Guns In Class?

So, apparently a bill sponsored by Representative Joe Driver will allow residents with a licensed handgun to carry their weapons onto university and college campuses. Why would this ever be necessary? I can’t even imagine walking into my classroom knowing a class full of armed people could surround me. Not to mention, I would be more terrified for the teacher. They are, after all, the ones running the show in the room.

 A concealed handgun license is a simple process. You take a training course that only takes ten to fifteen hours of your day, take a test, and finish it off by completing an application. That’s all! I don’t know about you all, but to me this does not seem like sufficient training to have just any person walking around my campus with a gun.

So, lets take the most recent incident that occurred on the UT campus as an example.  A 19 year-old student decides to show up on campus with an AK-47, firing shots outside of the library. He then proceeds to move up the building and kill himself.  Luckily, no one else was killed or harmed. However, now lets imagine this law was in effect. Yes, I’m sure you can set up a terrible scenario in your head. When people are put in a terrifying situation where they believe they are at risk of being killed, they will do just about anything to avoid that. Hence, the idea of letting just anyone carry a handgun on campus is stupid. We should be trying to protect everyone, not make a situation more harmful.

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